The Elementary Ministry exists to provide a safe, healthy, and loving environment for God’s children, giving them opportunities to learn about God and His Word, and grow in their relationship with Him. The Sullivan Baptist Church Elementary Ministry partners with parents as we together lay the spiritual foundation where real transformation
takes place in the lives of Kindergarteners to 5th Graders.
takes place in the lives of Kindergarteners to 5th Graders.

Each week, our team loves to provide a fun and safe place for your children through play, stories, crafts, games and worship. Our team is made up of people who feel called to teach kids about the love of Jesus. Each Sunday they help to bring excitement and enjoyment to your child’s church experience.

The safety of your child is our number one priority, and we are committed to a system that creates a safe environment. This means that our staff and volunteers have completed a background check and have been extensively trained to accommodate the wellbeing of your child in mind. We use a secure check-in system to ensure the safety and security of all children. When you register your child(ren), you will be given a security sticker for drop-off and pick-up, and will be asked to provide emergency contact information. If your child is in Kindergarten through 4th grade, you will also be asked to sign-in and sign-out your child(ren) on the clipboard at each individual classroom. Please inform our teachers of special medical or security needs for your child.

As a church, we are always investing in the next generation, and this starts with our kids. We strive each week to introduce engaging materials, stories and lessons that really help to enhance their learning experience.

Get to know more about our sbc children's ministry.
We believe that children are a gift from God and should be handled with love and care. We believe children are important in the kingdom of God and that Jesus died to redeem children from their sin. We believe Jesus has called children to follow Him and children can be equipped to serve Jesus and others. We believe children deserve a safe, positive, nurturing, and age-appropriate learning environment that is free of fear, pressure to "grow up" or prejudice. We believe that ministry is not just "to" children but "with" children. We learn from children as we teach them.
We believe God has appointed parents as the primary spiritual instructors of their children and the church's roles is to assist in the cooperative effort of that responsibility. We believe successful ministry is the shared responsibility of children ministry staff, and volunteers, parents, and the church body. We believe ministry should be creative, innovative, and in touch with the children and families of our community. We believe that except for the Holy Spirit, effective teachers are the most important component of our ministry. We believe relational ministry is best served with adults who serve as positive role models to the child.
The Children's Ministry is a dynamic integral part of Sullivan Baptist Church. It is a cooperative effort between the church and the home, utilizing the efforts of both parents and the church body to effectively reach the children of our community with the message of the love of Jesus.
The AIM of our ministry is Christ-centered. We desire to help parents in building a strong spiritual foundation in the lives of children which will lead them into a personal dynamic relationship with Jesus.
The PROGRAM of our ministry is centered on the child. Our ministry focuses on the spiritual, relational, physical, and mental needs of the child. All programming is designed to encourage growth in these areas. Our focus is not on a program but on people.
Our METHODOLOGY is experienced-based. Our ministry is not based on passive learning. Our ministry is active as children are involved in the learning process: questioning, discovering, and evaluating. God's Word (the Bible) is central in our teaching and it's importance emphasized. (2 Timothy 3:15)
The AIM of our ministry is Christ-centered. We desire to help parents in building a strong spiritual foundation in the lives of children which will lead them into a personal dynamic relationship with Jesus.
The PROGRAM of our ministry is centered on the child. Our ministry focuses on the spiritual, relational, physical, and mental needs of the child. All programming is designed to encourage growth in these areas. Our focus is not on a program but on people.
Our METHODOLOGY is experienced-based. Our ministry is not based on passive learning. Our ministry is active as children are involved in the learning process: questioning, discovering, and evaluating. God's Word (the Bible) is central in our teaching and it's importance emphasized. (2 Timothy 3:15)
Our FACILITIES must provide an environment that stimulates learning. Our classroom design, furnishings, and educational equipment keep in mind the appropriate age-group characteristics for the children in that particular room.
Our STAFF & VOLUNTEERS are comprised of men and women who have trusted Jesus as their personal Savior and desire to share the love of Jesus with our children. They are members of SBC and completed background checks. We provide the materials, curriculum, facilities, and proper training to equip our staff and volunteers to successfully accomplish their goals.
"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them." (Matthew 19:14)
"You have been taught the holy scriptures from infancy, and they have given you wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Jesus." (2 Timothy 3:15)
"Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your mind and with all of your strength." (Mark 12:30)
Our STAFF & VOLUNTEERS are comprised of men and women who have trusted Jesus as their personal Savior and desire to share the love of Jesus with our children. They are members of SBC and completed background checks. We provide the materials, curriculum, facilities, and proper training to equip our staff and volunteers to successfully accomplish their goals.
"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them." (Matthew 19:14)
"You have been taught the holy scriptures from infancy, and they have given you wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Jesus." (2 Timothy 3:15)
"Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your mind and with all of your strength." (Mark 12:30)
Our team would love to answer any questions that you may have. This is our specialty.
You can contact us Monday - Thursday from 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Sharon Arredondo, Children's Ministry Director
Sullivan Baptist Church 4152 Maplewood Street Kingsport, TN 37660 423.483.4650
You can contact us Monday - Thursday from 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Sharon Arredondo, Children's Ministry Director
Sullivan Baptist Church 4152 Maplewood Street Kingsport, TN 37660 423.483.4650
Weekly schedule
We have age-graded Bible Fellowship classes for all children. We encourage children to bring their Bible to church each week because we will be studying and learning God’s Word. Kindergarten through 5th graders will check-in at the Lemonade Stand, but only Kindergarten through 4th graders will need to be signed in at their classrooms, 5th graders may sign themselves in and out at their classroom door.
Music is essential to your child’s development. It scientifically helps with reading, math, science, and overall self-confidence. Kindergarteners through 5th Graders get to learn the fundamentals of music and learn how to praise Jesus by singing meaningful, Christ-centered songs! Children will prepare for several performance opportunities through-out the year.
Children who are in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade are invited to attend Children’s Church during the Sunday morning Worship Service. Children will meet Mrs. Sharon at the front of the Worship Center, when announcement is made from the Pulpit to dismiss for Children’s Church. Children will be signed-in prior to being taken to the Wooten Chapel. First time attenders to Children’s Church will need their parents to sign them in with Mrs. Sharon.
Children's Church is a high-energy ministry designed to engage kids in worship. Worship is followed by a small group Bible lesson that teaches children to apply God’s truths to their day-to-day lives. Children’s Church is held in the Wooten Chapel. Parents will pick-up their child(ren) from the Chapel at the end of the service.
Children's Church is a high-energy ministry designed to engage kids in worship. Worship is followed by a small group Bible lesson that teaches children to apply God’s truths to their day-to-day lives. Children’s Church is held in the Wooten Chapel. Parents will pick-up their child(ren) from the Chapel at the end of the service.
Our Children’s Ministry includes many
special events such as:
Vacation Bible School (Preschool and Elementary)
Children’s Camps (4th and 5th Graders)
Back to School Bash
Hallelujah Fall Festival
Kid’s Night (Parents night out)
Pool Parties
Corn Maze Trip
Christmas Party
Valentine’s Day Party
Children’s Camps (4th and 5th Graders)
Back to School Bash
Hallelujah Fall Festival
Kid’s Night (Parents night out)
Pool Parties
Corn Maze Trip
Christmas Party
Valentine’s Day Party
Deuteronomy 6:7-9 commands parents to teach their children the truths of God as a part of daily living. 2nd Timothy 3:15 verifies the importance of teaching children these truths beginning at an early age. By participating in the Parent-Child Dedication, parents are to rear their child under the principles of the Bible and to teach them the truths of God. This type of rearing will come as a direct result of their own personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Through the Parent-Child Dedication, parents are also acknowledging that the child ultimately belongs to God and that He has a purpose and plan for them!
The Parent-Child Dedications are scheduled in the 10:15 morning worship service. First time participants are asked to attend an orientation class. For information, please contact Sharon Arredondo our Children’s Ministry Director at 423-483-4650 or at
The Parent-Child Dedications are scheduled in the 10:15 morning worship service. First time participants are asked to attend an orientation class. For information, please contact Sharon Arredondo our Children’s Ministry Director at 423-483-4650 or at
Keep in mind that Promotion means change and it may take a little time for you and your child to settle in.
Medical/Security issues must be updated as needed but at least annually (in August). Please stop by the Lemonade Stand to fill out a new Registration Card.
Medical/Security issues must be updated as needed but at least annually (in August). Please stop by the Lemonade Stand to fill out a new Registration Card.