Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Sullivan Baptist Church's Collegiate ministry is for all people ages 18-25 who no longer are in High School. The goal of the ministry is to provide a safe place for these college aged young adults to continue learning about the sacrifice that God made for them through Jesus Christ on the cross and the love that He has for them.
Throughout the year we will do numerous trips, which include, conferences and retreats for the purpose of seeing these young adults grow stronger in their faith. We also have multiple opportunities to serve throughout the year and it is our desire to see 18-25 year old's begin serving within the church.
Throughout the year we will do numerous trips, which include, conferences and retreats for the purpose of seeing these young adults grow stronger in their faith. We also have multiple opportunities to serve throughout the year and it is our desire to see 18-25 year old's begin serving within the church.

Sunday 9:00am & 10:15am
We meet in the room next to the Consumed Cafe Sunday morning for Bible fellowship at 9am to break up into small groups to dig into the Word. We also meet in the Worship center for Sunday morning worship at 10:15 with the rest of the church family!
Monday 7:00pm-8:30pm
We meet in the Wooten Chapel Monday Nights at 7pm for bible study for all of our college students and young adults 18-25
Upcoming Events.

Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Monday nights at 7pm for our college and young adult small groups to grow in the Word together.